Pine Street Sangha is a community of dharma friends and teachers offering a reflective meditation approach based on early Buddhist teaching in support of spiritual development and healing; a refuge for kindness and curiosity.

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Discover an inclusive path for turning inward, reflecting, and cultivating a deeply rewarding and satisfying meditation practice.

Image by Bill Wellhouse

Reflective Meditation

Reflective meditation is an open, unstructured way of meditating that invites your life into your meditation.

About Us

We offer a variety of opportunities for learning an innovative approach to meditation which enables meditators to integrate the teachings of early Buddhism into their contemporary lives.

Image by MJMazzola

For Therapists

Helping you develop a meditation practice and an ethical reflective process that sustains you as a therapist.

Image by MJMazzola

About Us

Our Mission: Pine Street Sangha is a community of dharma friends and teachers offering a reflective meditation approach based on early Buddhist teaching in support of spiritual development and healing; a refuge for kindness and curiosity.

Image by MJMazzola

For Therapists

Helping you develop a meditation practice and an ethical reflective process that sustains you as a therapist.

Image by MJMazzola

Our Teachings

Learning the dharma (the teachings of Buddhism) and meditation are interdependent; they inform one another.

Image by MJMazzola


Your donations, both financial and through your volunteer activities, sustain our teachers and our dharma home allowing the dharma to thrive.

Image by Barb Tillman

Pine Branch

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