Daily Online Meditation
This Daily Online Meditation was born from the pandemic but now has a life of its own and has developed into a lovely community. We’d like to share our reflective meditation practice with you as a refuge and a time for daily connection. Open to all: novices, seasoned meditators, and everyone in between.
- If you don’t have a meditation practice, this might be an ideal time to give it a try.
• If you do have one, here is an opportunity to boost your daily practice.
• If you’ve had difficulty establishing an “at home” meditation practice, this can help you initiate or strengthen one.
• If, during these challenging times, you’re finding it hard to practice, to ground yourself, to concentrate, this is a chance to support your practice.
Use this Zoom link for these sessions : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81876059491?pwd=TUpXZ0V3bHYya1c0cjRia2JBS3J3UT09
If you join through your Zoom account: Meeting ID: 818 7605 9491 Passcode: 100
Please ONLY use this link between 8:45am and 10am PDT to link on our website.
Questions: dailyonlinesangha@gmail.com